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Document Handling


Most large organisations have a range of specifically created documents including, detailed work procedures (WPs), safe operating procedures (SOPs) and Job Safety Analysis (JSAs) to ensure maximum efficiencies and safety in performing work tasks.  As worksite accidents and illnesses not only can have tragic outcomes, they also often result in severe lost time and productivity.  It is therefore essential that workers have easy and immediate access to all current relevant WPs, SOPs, JSAs and Hazard Management tools at all times.


Typically most companies store documents on a file server, shared drive or the Cloud on their computer network.  Drawbacks of this are:

• Documents are not stored in the correct location.

• Some users cannot access certain drives and therefore are unable to view documents that are not restricted.

• Certain documents should only be shared with authorised individuals.

• Multiple uncontrolled versions are often prevalent in the organisation.

• Documents are difficult to search for.

• Connection to the Cloud (internet) can often be down

  • Employees on worksites rarely (if ever) have access to a computer


Touchsafe allows onsite personnel to easily access all documentation 24/7 with no computer skills required. Access is a simple touch of the screen by using Touchsafe's specialised IP65 Kiosks, TouchTough Consoles or with a mouse on existing workstations. Touchsafe gives on-site personnel access to important documentation without giving them the access to tamper with, or delete it. Once documents have been imported into Touchsafe they are ‘locked down’ and can only be edited or removed by the Touchsafe Content Management System (CMS).


Touchsafe makes it easy for users to browse through long documents with the added abilities of word search and text-to-speech available. Text-to-speech is multi-lingual and will assist with possible literacy issues employees may face. With full training provided the CMS is controlled solely by authorised administration staff and management. TouchSafe's CMS accepts most types of documents including most Video formats, Word Documents, PowerPoint Documents and PDF Documents. This ensures administration staff do not have to waste time converting documents and can load their current documents straight away. In many industries, it is a government stipulation that WPs, SOPs, JSAs and Government Acts and Regulations are easily and readily available to all employees and contractors. Touchsafe helps worksites comply with these regulations in an intuitive and easy to use way.



•    Centralized database for -    WP’s -    SOP’s -    JSA’s -    Forms -    Hazard Management -    Instructional Videos

•    Quick easy and intuitive to use

•    No computer skills necessary

•    Users cannot alter or delete

•    Eliminates a lengthy search for documents

•    Links -    Related documents -    Forms -    Videos

•    Prevent access to restricted areas of your network

•    Ensure only current documents are available

•    User-friendly Content Management System

  • Even operates when internet connection in unavailable

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